Discover Bali with Ease
Our Transport, Your Tranquility!
Transport Service
With a variety of transportation choices, not only enhance the overall travel experience but also allow visitors to delve into the heart of this diverse and captivating destination with ease.
- Private Car
- Shuttle Bus
- Hotel Transfer
- Airport Transfer
- Fastboat Transfer
We also serve Tour Packages from where to and where you are going with unlimited kilometers and petrol.
Toyota Avanza / Daihatsu Xenia
For Solo, Couple & Small Groups
USD 45/car
- 10 Hours/Day
- Recommended for 4 passengers
(max 7 without luggage) - Overtime 10% from prices /per hour
Toyota Innova Reborn
For Small Groups Of Large People
USD 70/car
- 10 Hours/Day
- Recommended for 4 passengers
(max 7 without luggage) - Overtime 10% from prices /per hour
Toyota Hiace
The Big Van With Wider Legroom
USD 85/car
- 10 Hours/Day
- Recommended for 4 passengers
(max 7 without luggage) - Overtime 10% from prices /per hour