How to go to Gili Island

Gili Islands are a group of three small islands – Gili Trawangan, Gili Meno, and Gili Air – located off the northwest coast of Lombok, Indonesia. Here’s a general guide on how to reach the Gili Islands:

By Air and Boat:

Fly to Lombok International Airport (LOP):

Most travelers reach Lombok first. Book a flight to Lombok International Airport (LOP) from major airports, including Ngurah Rai International Airport in Bali.

Transfer to Bangsal Harbor:

From the airport, you can take a taxi or arrange a private transfer to Bangsal Harbor. It’s the main departure point for boats to the Gili Islands.

Boat to Gili Islands:

Once at Bangsal Harbor, you can catch a public boat or hire a private boat to the Gili Islands. Public boats operate regularly, but private charters offer a more flexible schedule.

By Fast Boat from Bali:

Fly to Ngurah Rai International Airport (DPS) in Bali:

Many international flights arrive in Bali. From Bali, you can take a fast boat to the Gili Islands.

Travel to a Departure Point:

Choose a departure point for fast boats to Gili. Common departure points are Padang Bai, Serangan, or Amed in Bali.

Fast Boat to Gili:

Book a fast boat ticket to one of the Gili Islands. The journey typically takes around 1.5 to 2.5 hours, depending on the departure point and sea conditions.


Book Tickets in Advance:

Especially during peak seasons, it’s advisable to book boat tickets in advance to secure your spot.

Consider Time and Weather:

Sea conditions can affect boat schedules. Consider this when planning your journey, especially if you’re prone to seasickness.

Choose Arrival Island:

Depending on your preferences, you can choose which Gili Island to arrive at – Gili Trawangan, Gili Meno, or Gili Air.

Local Transport on Gili:

Once on the Gili Islands, transportation is typically by foot, bicycle, or horse-drawn carts, as motorized vehicles are limited.
Always check with your chosen transport service provider for the latest information and schedules, as these can change based on weather conditions and other factors.